The Huffer Family

(and related Hofer, Hoffer, Hufford, Hoffert, etc. Families)
of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Elsewhere


This site will be under development soon.  If you wish to contact the author to exchange genealogical information about your Huffer ancestors, contact me at:

-Charles Burnham "Chuck" Huffer

In memory of Shirley Clevenger Huffer 1925 - 2008 (click here) - Added March 11, 2008

My Huffer Family History and Ancestry - added August 27, 2006, updated January 11, 2010, including a Huffer connection to President Barrack Obama
Click here
for detailed genealogies of
1) Descendants of Johannes Hoffer(t) of Berks Co, PA; 
2) Ancestors of the author (including Huffer, Clevenger, Burnham, Shirley, Carnes, Robinson, Griffith, Roebuck)
3) Ancestors of the author's wife, Gwen (Wagner) Huffer (including Wagner, Talcott, Kern, Payne, Carnahan, Wakefield, Colson, Davies)


last updated Friday, April 09, 2010 by Chuck Huffer

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